Mental Element: Past, Present, and Future Problems with Aaron Morrison

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Mental Element: Past, Present, and Future Problems with Aaron Morrison

Join us on February 10th to discuss the Mental Element! Aaron Morrison will be enlightening us on the journey of making personal breakthroughs and sharpening your mindset to pave your way to success.

About Aaron Morrison

“Over 70% of Americans are unhappy in their careers and only 27% are working in the field that matches their degree. 92% of people fail to accomplish their goals. Over 80% of New Years Resolutions are toast by February. There’s a problem here.     Utilizing a five-step framework for success, as well as many coaching and therapeutic techniques, we work together to gain clarity around desired outcomes and change limiting thinking preventing their achievement. Clients come to understand that it’s not the “problem” that’s the problem – It’s how they’re thinking about the problem.     To that end, my mission statement is to create abundance on a scale that touches every life on the planet and to raise the baseline of the human experience. I do that by helping entrepreneurs fill their cups to overflowing, because it enables them to pour into others. I help them speed up personal and professional growth so they can realize their potential and have the impact and make the contribution they want.”

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